
Configure Native Token Allocation

Learn how to configure your blockchain native token allocation.

Alright, so let's set the initial token allocation. When prompted select Define a custom allocation.

? How should the initial token allocation be structured?: 
    Allocate 1m tokens to a new account
    Allocate 1m to the ewoq account 0x8db...2FC (Only recommended for testing, not recommended for production)
 Define a custom allocation (Recommended for production)

Drop 1000 of your native token to these addresses:

  • 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
  • 0xF0f06058ca7B6e46E2B238F6d34A604DB1E2612f
  • 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc

It should look something like this:

 Customize your airdrop
Address to airdrop to: 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC
Amount to airdrop (in TOK units): 1000
Address to airdrop to: 0xF0f06058ca7B6e46E2B238F6d34A604DB1E2612f
Amount to airdrop (in TOK units): 1000
Address to airdrop to: 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc
Amount to airdrop (in TOK units): 1000
Use the arrow keys to navigate: 
? Would you like to airdrop more tokens?: 

Each of these addresses will have 1000 TOK in their account at the start of the network.

Edit on GitHub

Last updated on 1/22/2025